Terms and Conditions, Privacy and Cookies
Barcelona Touch Apartments
This contractual document shall govern the contracting of the temporary assignment of a property through the website https://barcelona-touch-apartments.com, owned by MALBEC2019, SL, hereinafter referred to as Barcelona Touch Apartments.
Acceptance of this document implies that the USER:
- Has read, understands and comprehends what is set forth herein.
- Is a person with sufficient capacity to contract.
- Assumes all the obligations set forth herein.
These conditions will have an indefinite period of validity and will be applicable to all contracts made through the website Barcelona Touch Apartments.
Barcelona Touch Apartments reports that the trade is responsible and knows the current legislation of the countries to which it offers its services and reserves the right to unilaterally modify the conditions, without affecting the goods or promotions that were contracted prior to the modification.
Identity of the contracting parties
On the one hand, the provider of the services contracted by the USER is MALBEC2019, SL, with registered office at Rafael Campalans 9 Pb, 08903. L ́Hospitalet de Llobregat, NIF B67536995 and with customer service / USER telephone number +34 617 388 089.
And on the other hand, the USER, registered on the website by means of a username and password, over which he/she has full responsibility for use and custody, and is responsible for the veracity of the personal data provided to Barcelona Touch Apartments.
Purpose of the contract
The purpose of this contract is to regulate the contractual relationship between Barcelona Touch Apartments and the USER at the moment the USER accepts during the online booking process, the rental of properties for temporary accommodation is applicable to all bookings. However, if there are any exceptions, they will be indicated in the apartment file.
The contractual relationship for the reservation of accommodation entails the rental of the chosen property, for a limited period of time, in exchange for a determined price and publicly displayed through the website, as well as the provision of the following complementary services to the provision of housing:
- Internet connection
- Supplies included in the price
- 24hs telephone answering service
Both parties recognize the condition of tourist use housing that corresponds to the property object of the contract, so they renounce to claim the condition of domicile for the purpose of preventing the inspection actions of the authorities and the maintenance tasks provided by the sectoral regulations. The client states that he is contracting a tourist accommodation service, having his permanent address in another city, so under no circumstances can the apartment be used as a permanent residence. Therefore, the legal provisions relating to the "forced extension" are not applicable.
Contracting procedure
The USER, in order to access the services or products offered by Barcelona Touch Apartments, must register their data through the system used for this purpose. The USER must freely and voluntarily provide the personal data that will be required, which will be treated in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on personal data protection, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and the Organic Law (ES) 15/1999 of 13 December (LOPD) on the protection of personal data and detailed in the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy of this website.
Once the checkin process is completed, the USER will receive an email with the reservation code and with this information plus your email you can manage your reservation through our booking system.
Once the reservation has been created, it is reported that in accordance with the requirements of Article 27 of Law 34/2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the contracting procedure will follow the following steps detailed below:
1. General contracting clauses.
2. Reservation and payment process
3. Cancellations.
4. Claims.
5. Force majeure.
6. Jurisdiction.
7. Generalities of the offer.
8. Price and period of validity of the offer.
9. Purchase process.
10. Other conditions
11. Applicable warranties.
12. Applicable law and jurisdiction.
Unless otherwise stipulated in writing, the placement of an order with Barcelona Touch Apartments implies acceptance by the USER of these legal conditions. No stipulation made by the USER may differ from those of Barcelona Touch Apartments if it has not been expressly accepted in advance and in writing by Barcelona Touch Apartments.
Éstas son nuestras condiciones generales aplicables a todas las reservas. No obstante, en caso de existir alguna excepción, estará indicada en la ficha del apartamento. Las condiciones de la reserva dependen de la tarifa seleccionada en el proceso de reserva. Éstas condiciones regirán las relaciones entre MALBEC2019, SL, propietaria de esta web y proveedora de los servicios que en ella se ofrecen, y las personas que los contraten (en adelante, el USUARIO).
En el momento de la reserva se solicitan los datos de su tarjeta de crédito para garantizar el pago en el caso de las reservas que no requieran pago inmediato, el pago se realizará según lo establezca la tarifa seleccionada.
Confirmación de la reserva: Una vez recibida la reserva, quedará confirmada al instante y el USUARIO recibirá inmediatamente un correo electrónico con todos los detalles (requerimiento de registro, servicios adicionales, pago de tasas turísticas, etc). Una vez rellenados todos los partes de viajeros en forma electrónica (requerimiento obligatorio según Artículo 2 de la Orden IRP/418/2010, de 5 de agosto, sobre la obligación de registro y comunicación a la Dirección General de la Policía de las personas que se alojan en los establecimientos de hospedaje ubicados en Cataluña) el USUARIO recibirá toda la información necesaria para acceder al apartamento en forma autónoma.
Seguridad en el pago online: Barcelona Touch Apartments se compromete a proteger los datos de los USUARIOS al máximo.
Entradas y salidas
Las entradas y salidas de nuestros alojamientos pueden ser todos los días.
Entradas: a partir de las 16hs y en forma autónoma. Si no se presenta hasta las 12.01 am del día siguiente sin previo aviso se entenderá que la reserva es cancelada sin derecho a devolución alguna al USUARIO.
Las toallas de baño y las sábanas por persona, registrada en la reserva, están incluidas en el precio del alquiler. Las adicionales a las establecidas deben ser solicitadas con 24hs de antelación y coste adicional.
Salidas: El horario de salida de los alojamientos será hasta las 11:00am, se podrá solicitar un Late Check según disponibilidad y con una anticipación mínima de 24hs y con coste adicional.
Si bien la limpieza de la salida se incluye y detalla en el valor de la reserva, El USUARIO debe entregar el alojamiento en las condiciones que lo encontró a su llegada. Cuando el apartamento no sea devuelto en condiciones de limpieza y orden razonables (ej. muebles desplazados, cocina sucia, acumulación de basura) se aplicará un recargo de 65 €
Servicios extras tales como limpiezas adicionales, toallas y sábanas, amenities adicionales a los de bienvenida, parking, kits de bebés, etc deben ser solicitados con un mínimo de 24hs de antelación, sujetos a disponibilidad y con un coste adicional.
Responsabilidades del cliente
El cliente se compromete a respetar la normativa de la Comunidad. Durante las horas de descanso de 22:00 a 9:00, no está permitido usar los alojamientos con fines de celebraciones de fiesta, ni hacer ruido. En ningún caso está permitido ocupar el alojamiento por más personas que las registradas.
El uso de electricidad y agua debe ser racional.
Está prohibido colgar toallas y ropa en las barandillas de los balcones.
Los niños deberán ir siempre acompañados por sus padres y bajo su responsabilidad.
Están prohibidos los animales de compañía, excepto en aquellos donde expresamente lo indique el anuncio del apartamento.
La persona titular del contrato debe ser mayor a 25 años y es la responsable del correcto comportamiento de todos sus ocupantes en el caso contrario Barcelona Touch Apartments se reserva el derecho a expulsar a los ocupantes del alojamiento, sin derecho a futuras reclamaciones ni a ningún tipo de compensación
MALBEC2019, SL no será responsable de cualquier daño directo o indirecto que se pueda ocasionar como consecuencia del mal uso del alojamiento, incluidos sin limitación alguna: destrozos, pérdidas tras incendios, robos, delincuencia, accidentes u otros tipos de daños.
MALBEC2019, SL no asume responsabilidad alguna sobre los objetos de valor que pueda tener el cliente en el apartamento. En particular, el cliente exime de toda responsabilidad al titular por los perjuicios que puedan sufrir el cliente o cualquier otra persona autorizada por él a acceder a la vivienda, así como por los daños a sus pertenencias que sean derivados de instalaciones para servicios y suministros de la vivienda contratada. En caso de fuerza mayor o de circunstancias imprevistas, MALBEC2019, SL podrá realojar al cliente en un apartamento distinto, siempre y cuando tenga características similares o superiores a la vivienda objeto de este contrato. En el supuesto de que el cliente no estuviese de acuerdo con el piso reasignado, podrá resolver el contrato y obtener el reembolso del importe que hubiese abonado, salvo la parte que corresponda al período de alojamiento del cliente hubiese ya disfrutado, renunciando desde ya a cualquier otra compensación o indemnización.
El cliente no podrá ni desarrollar en la vivienda ninguna clase de industria ni podrá realizar ningún tipo de actividad (particularmente fiestas) que causen ruido o molestias a los vecinos. Si la empresa recibiera una reclamación de cualquier vecino, una llamada de la policía o un aviso de los dispositivo que controlan los niveles de sonido dentro del apartamentos relativas a la estancia del cliente, se aplicará a éste una penalización equivalente al importe de la multa más el 50% del valor de la estancia
Así mismo, está prohibido fumar en toda la propiedad , esta infracción se penaliza con una multa de 200 euros. No se aceptan mascotas, ni materias inflamables, explosivas o corrosivas en la toda la propiedad de MALBEC2019, SL Así mismo, el cliente se compromete a dejar las zonas comunes en perfecto estado como las encontró
In case of cancellation by the user, the conditions contracted and detailed at the time of booking will be followed. If the user does not comply with the requirements set forth in this document, MALBEC2019 may cancel the reservation, prior notice to the user.
Our goal is that our customers have a pleasant stay.
If during the rental period there is any breakdown in the facilities or electrical appliances, you should immediately notify Barcelona Touch Apartments to resolve these issues as soon as possible.
In case of force majeure (water damage, fire etc.) Barcelona Touch Apartments will replace the accommodation booked by another of the same characteristics. In case of unavailability of accommodation, Barcelona Touch Apartments will refund the total amount paid.
Barcelona Touch Apartments
Rafael Campalans 9 Pb, 08903. L'Hospitalet de Llobregat.
Phone: +34 617 388 089
Mail: booking@barcelona-touch-apartments.com
Online Dispute Resolution
In accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013, the European Commission provides a free access platform for online dispute resolution between the USER and Barcelona Touch Apartments, without recourse to the courts of law, through the intervention of a third party, called a Dispute Resolution Body, which acts as an intermediary between the two. This body is neutral and will dialogue with both parties to reach an agreement, and may finally suggest and/or impose a solution to the conflict.
Link to the ODR platform: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
The parties shall not be liable for any failure due to force majeure. The performance of the obligation shall be delayed until the cessation of the case of force majeure.
The USER may not assign, transfer or transfer the rights, responsibilities and obligations contracted.
If any provision of these conditions is considered void or impossible to comply with, the validity, legality and compliance of the rest will not be affected in any way, nor will they be modified in any way.
The USER declares to have read, know and accept these General Conditions in their entirety.
All services provided by Barcelona Touch Apartments are subject to these General Conditions.
No modification, alteration or agreement contrary to the Commercial Proposal of Barcelona Touch Apartments or stipulated herein shall be effective, unless expressly agreed in writing signed by Barcelona Touch Apartments, in which case, these particular agreements shall prevail.
Given the continuous technical advances and product improvements, Barcelona Touch Apartments reserves the right to modify its specifications with respect to the information provided in its advertising, as long as it does not affect the value of the services offered. These modifications shall also apply in the event that, for any reason, the possibility of supplying the products offered is affected.
The prices indicated for each product include the Value Added Tax (VAT) or other taxes that may be applicable (not the tourist taxes that will be paid by the USER depending on the number of guests over 16 years old and nights of the reservation) and will be expressed in EURO currency. It will be possible to pay in another currency through a credit card, Paypal or Stripe, being the exchange rate applied the one of the financial entity applied at that time.
The prices applicable to each property are those published on the website. The USER assumes that the economic valuation of some of the services may vary in real time. Prices may change daily while the reservation is not made.
Any payment made to Barcelona Touch Apartments involves the issuance of an invoice in the name of the registered USER or the company name that the USER has informed at the time of booking. This invoice will be given to the USER upon request, at the time of completion of the rental and payment of all contracted services.
For any information about the reservation, the USER can contact through the customer service telephone of Barcelona Touch Apartments 617388089 or via email to the address booking@barcelona-touch-apartments.com.
Search for the property
From the "Book" section, you can consult the description and characteristics of the accommodation, the services included, the optional services (extras) and the particular conditions of each property.
The final price will be calculated according to the dates of arrival and departure selected, the people accommodated (adults and children), the cost of cleaning and the extra services chosen.
It is necessary to be over 25 years old to make a reservation. Smoking is not allowed in the apartments, except on balconies, terraces, patios and gardens. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a fine of up to 200 euros to cover the cost of cleaning, upholstery, curtains and bedspreads.
"Specific rules for each apartment. The house rules will be informed with the booking confirmation and establish guidelines related to aspects of the ordinary running of the apartment (e.g. keeping quiet at certain times, garbage deposit, etc.). It is obvious that these rules, which are often common sense and facilitate coexistence with other neighbors, must be respected. It is important to respect the neighbors' rest, so we ask our guests not to carry out noisy activities, especially between 10:00 pm and 8:00 am. It is also important to avoid all actions that may disturb the neighbors, such as loud music, noises, etc. Parties and the entry of persons not staying in the dwelling are forbidden in order to respect the neighbors' rest. It is essential to make good use of the common areas or common elements of the building where the apartment for tourist use is located, as well as to behave civically both in the apartment for tourist use and in the building in which it is integrated"
The serious and/or repeated breach by the customer of the above conditions will give MALBEC2019, SL the right to demand the immediate abandonment of the apartment, without any compensation.
The duration of the stay is the one indicated in the booking confirmation. At the expiration of the agreed period, and without prior notice, the customer must leave the apartment subject of the contract, free and empty, except for the furniture and household goods of the apartment. In the event of non-compliance with the above, the client is obliged to pay the sum corresponding to three times the daily rate.
The guarantee of the products offered will respond to the following articles based on Law 23/2003 of July 10, 2003, on Guarantees of sale of consumer goods and services:
Conformity of services with the contract
1. Unless proven otherwise, it shall be understood that the services are in conformity with the contract provided that they meet all the requirements expressed below, unless due to the circumstances of the case, any of them is not applicable:
a) They conform to the description made by Barcelona Touch Apartments.
b) They are suitable for the uses to which the services of the same type are normally intended.
c) Are suitable for any special use required by the customer, when he has made it known to Barcelona Touch Apartments at the time of the conclusion of the contract, provided that the latter has admitted that the service is suitable for this use.
d) Present the usual quality and performance of a service of the same type that the customer can reasonably expect, taking into account the nature of the latter and, where appropriate, the descriptions of the specific characteristics of the services made by Barcelona Touch Apartments.
2. The lack of conformity resulting from a service not performed or rendered is equivalent to the lack of conformity of the contract, provided that the responsibility for it falls on Barcelona Touch Apartments or under its responsibility; on the contrary, when the service not performed or rendered is due to negligence or bad practice of the USER, it will not be considered any fault of Barcelona Touch Apartments and will be considered in accordance with the terms of the contract.
3. No liability shall be accepted for any lack of conformity that the USER knows or could not have been unaware of at the time of the conclusion of the contract or that has its origin in information provided by the USER.
Responsibility of Barcelona Touch Apartments
Barcelona Touch Apartments shall be liable to the USER for any lack of conformity that exists at the time of delivery of the accommodation. Barcelona Touch Apartments recognizes the USER the right to repair the service, its replacement, price reduction and termination of the contract.
This contract is governed by the provisions herein and by the provisions of the Civil Code, all without prejudice to the provisions of Decree 159/2012 of 20 November, of the Generalitat de Catalunya, which regulates, among other types of accommodation, housing for tourist use These conditions shall be governed by or construed in accordance with Spanish law in that which is not expressly stated. Barcelona Touch Apartments and the USER agree to submit any dispute that may arise from the provision of products or services covered by these Conditions to the courts and tribunals closest to L'Hospitalet.
In the event that the USER is domiciled outside Spain, Barcelona Touch Apartments and the USER expressly waive any other forum, submitting to the Spanish jurisdiction established in the preceding paragraph.
Dear Sir or Madam,
We wish to inform you that the EU regulation 679/2016 ("Code with respect to the protection of personal data") provides for the protection of individuals and other subjects with respect to the processing of personal data. According to the indicated regulation, such processing shall be favorable to the principles of accuracy, lawfulness and transparency and protection of your confidentiality and your rights.
Pursuant to Regulation (EU 679/2016, therefore, We provide You with the following information:
1. the data provided by you will be processed for the purpose of fulfilling the services of tourist reservation and request for information or availability on the website {0}.
2. The processing will be carried out in electronic format.
3. The provision of data is mandatory, otherwise it would not be possible to make the tourist reservation, the request for availability or information. Failure to provide this information will result in the contract or the request process not being able to continue.
4. The data will be communicated exclusively for the fulfillment of the reservation contract (e.g. the apartment chosen for the stay) and the inherent services.
5. The owner of the treatment is: Barcelona Touch Apartments
6. The data controller is: Malbec2019 SL
Email: booking@barcelona-touch-apartments.com
7. You may at any time exercise your rights against the data controller, pursuant to EU Regulation 679/2016,
8. You have the right to access, correct or delete your personal information at any time. You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal information or withdraw your consent to receive promotional communications from us. To exercise these rights, please contact us at the email address provided below
Email: booking@barcelona-touch-apartments.com
Due to the entry into force of the amendment of the "Law of Services of the Information Society" (LSSICE) established by Royal Decree 13/2012, it is mandatory to obtain the express consent of the user of all web pages that use dispensable cookies, before browsing them.
Cookies and other similar technologies such as local shared objects, flash cookies or pixels, are tools used by Web servers to store and retrieve information about their visitors, as well as to provide a correct functioning of the site.
The use of these devices allows the Web server to remember some data concerning the user, such as your preferences for viewing the pages of that server, name and password, products that most interest you, etc..
According to the EU directive, the cookies that require the user's informed consent are analytical cookies and advertising and affiliation cookies, with the exception of technical cookies and those necessary for the operation of the website or the provision of services expressly requested by the user.
- Technical and functional cookies: are those that allow the user to navigate through a website, platform or application and the use of the different options or services that exist in it.
- Analytical cookies: are those that allow the responsible for them to monitor and analyze the behavior of users of the websites to which they are linked. The information collected through this type of cookies is used to measure the activity of the websites, application or platform and for the elaboration of browsing profiles of the users of these sites, applications and platforms, in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of the usage data of the users of the service.
- Advertising Cookies: are those that allow the management, in the most effective way possible, of the advertising spaces that, where appropriate, the publisher has included on a website, application or platform from which it provides the requested service based on criteria such as the edited content or the frequency at which the ads are displayed.
- Behavioral advertising cookies: these collect information about the user's preferences and personal choices (retargeting) to enable the management, in the most effective way possible, of the advertising spaces that, where appropriate, the publisher has included on a web page, application or platform from which it provides the requested service.
- Social cookies: these are set by social media platforms on services to allow you to share content with your friends and networks. Social media platforms have the ability to track your online activity outside of the Services. This may affect the content and messages you see on other services you visit.
- Affiliate cookies: allow tracking of visits coming from other websites, with which the website establishes an affiliation contract (affiliate companies).
- Security cookies: store encrypted information to prevent the data stored in them from being vulnerable to malicious attacks by third parties.
- Own cookies: those that are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the editor itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
- Third-party cookies: those that are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the editor, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies.
- Session cookies: these are a type of cookie designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page.
- Persistent cookies: these are a type of cookie in which the data remains stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the party responsible for the cookie, which can range from a few minutes to several years.
Malbec2019 S.L. is the Data Controller of the personal data of the Data Subject and informs that these data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR), for which the following processing information is provided:
Purposes of processing: as specified in the section on cookies used on this website.
Legitimacy of processing: by consent of the data subject (art. 6.1 GDPR).
Data retention criteria: as specified in the section on cookies used on the website.
Communication of data: data will not be communicated to third parties, except in cookies owned by third parties or by legal obligation.
Rights of the Interested Party:
- Right to withdraw consent at any time.
- Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data, and to limit or oppose its processing.
- Right to file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (www.aepd.es) if it is considered that the processing does not comply with the regulations in force.
Contact information to exercise your rights:
Malbec2019, S.L.. Carrer Rafael Campalans 9 PB. L'Hospitalet de Llobregat. E-mail: booking@barcelona-touch-apartments.com
Below, we detail the cookies used on our website and their purpose.
Strictly necessary cookies
These cookies are essential, as they allow navigation through our website and the use of the different options or services that exist in it:
Barcelona Touch Apartments
Advertising, marketing and performance cookies
These are those that store information on user behavior obtained through the continued observation of their browsing habits, which allows to develop a specific profile to display advertising based on the same or improve the functionality of the site
How to disable cookies?
Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies. In the following links you have at your disposal all the information to configure or disable your cookies in each browser:
Google Chrome (https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=es)
Internet Explorer (https://support.microsoft.com/es-es/topic/eliminar-y-administrar-cookies-168dab11-0753-043d-7c16-ede5947fc64d)
Mozilla Firefox (https://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/Borrar%20cookies)
Apple Safari (https://support.apple.com/es-es/HT201265)
Opera (https://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/security/privacy/)
To find the configuration of other browsers, please visit the website of the corresponding browser.